Our Services
We deliver a comprehensive service for all types of properties, from small residential commissions, to large commercial projects.
But we won’t just turn up and build it. New builds in London require attention to detail from the very start. As with all property investments, we’ll help you understand all aspects of the project, to maximise the benefits and avoid the risk of costly mistakes right from the start. Whether you are buying land to develop or already have the site to build on, the best starting point is a feasibility study. This will help establish that what you have in mind is practicable and achievable within your budget. And this is more than a paper exercise. We’ll evaluate objectively and identify hidden pitfalls as well as opportunities to add value.
Once the project is agreed as feasible we can assist with the Planning process.
With a thorough understanding of Planning policies across London, we’ll combine our knowledge of the property with a clear picture of the factors most likely to favour a successful Planning Application.
At the same time we will have been working on details and specifications.
This means minimal delay between the grant of Planning Permission and starting construction work on site.
Throughout each stage of construction we’ll keep you fully updated.
In this way we can save time and money and avoid the misunderstandings that can happen without good communication. You’ll know exactly what we’re doing and the progress being made – from the very start, to handover.